Policy Writings
2024. En søfartsnation uden sikkerhedsstrategi. Ræson, June 19, 2024 (with C. Bueger and T. Liebetrau).
2023. Southeast Asian States Need to Tackle the Dangerous Shadow Tanker Activities in Their Waters. The Diplomat, September, 14, 2023 (with V. Rafaly) .
2023. Missed opportunities? Enhancing maritime safety through the EU's 2023 maritime package. SafeSeas, August 25, 2023 (with C. Bueger and V. Rafaly).
2023. The threat from Russia's fleet of 'ghost tankers'. EU Observer, April 13, 2023.
2022. Russia’s using ‘dark’ tankers to evade Western oil sanctions. Washington Post/ Monkey Cage, December 8.
2022. The West wants to cut off Russia’s oil revenues. Who will that hurt? Washington Post/ Monkey Cage, October 21.
2021. Green Shipping Must Go Beyond Decarbonization. Maritime Executive, December 10 (with C. Bueger).
2021. 22 countries opted to establish green shipping routes. That’s big news. Washington Post/Monkey Cage, November. 30, 2021
2021. UNCLOS in Action: Evidence on Maritime Security Challenges. Written evidence for the International Relations and Defense Committee. UK Parliament, November 10 (with S. Edwards, C. Bueger, T. Edmunds, B. Germond, and T. Liebetrau.).
2021. Beyond competition: Why the United States must cooperate with China and Russia to ensure stability at sea, Center for International Maritime Security. November 9 (with C. Bueger).
2021. The U.N. climate report is dire. So why are there no limits on maritime shipping’s carbon emissions? Washington Post/Monkey Cage, August. 12.
2021. The Politics of Climate Change at the International Maritime Organization. Climate Solutions Lab White Paper. Providence: Brown University.
Older policy writings
2015. Contemporary Piracy as an Issue of Academic Inquiry. A Bibliography, piracy-studies.org, Sept 2, with C. Bueger.
2015. Beyond the Security Dilemma? De-Escalating Tensions in the South China Sea, Centre for International Maritime Security, August 6, 2015.
2015. Liberal Cooperation vs. Great Power Rivalry? How the New U.S. Seapower Strategy Shapes World Order, piracy-studies.org, June 6, 2015.
2014. “NATO after the Wales Summit: A Conference Report.” Cardiff: Cardiff University.
2014. “African Approaches to Maritime Security,” Addis Ababa: Friedrich-Ebert Foundation.
2014. Into the Blue: Rethinking Maritime Security. A Workshop Report, piracy-studies.org. July 11 (with Christian Bueger).
2014. Reclaiming the Maritime? The AU’s New Maritime Strategy, piracy-studies.org, February 2.
2011. The Mogadishu Roadmap: Towards a joint Maritime Security Policy for Somalia? Piracy-studies.org, October 15, 2011.
2011. Pirates, Terrorists and Local Politics: The Professionalization of Somali Piracy, next Episode?, piracy-studies.org, August 1.
2011. A Reliable Ally in the Fight against Piracy? Introducing Puntland,” piracy-studies.org, October 11.
2011. Strategische Fehler der Pirateriebekämpfung: Somalia, Peacebuilding und die Notwendigkeit einer umfassenden Strategie”, INEF Report 104/2011. Duisburg: Institute for Development and Peace (with C. Bueger and S. Werthes).
2010. Guns, Fish and Puntland: The Professionalization of Piracy?, piracy-studies.org, March 17.
2010. Contested Urban Land: Approaching Land-based Conflicts and Land Management in Urban Somaliland (Academy for Peace and Development), with M. Abdi, S. Tani and N. S. Osman.
2009. Somali Piracy and the International Response: Trends in 2009 and Prospects for 2010, piracy-studies.org, March 6.
2008. No More ‘Grass Grown by the Spear’: Addressing Land-based Conflicts in Somaliland. Hargeisa: Academy for Peace and Development (with U. Terlinden, M. Abdi, S. Tani and N.S. Osman.